
We hope that you enjoy looking at some of our favorite photos! As a family, we have enjoyed birding for the last year and find it exciting to never know what you might see on your next trip. We love the outdoors and take every opportunity to get out there and enjoy it. Birding is a passion of ours and we hope you enjoy reading about some of our favorite memories as well!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Week of Birding and a Very Up-Close Raccoon Experience!

After a busy week of school starting again, we haven't had much time to get out and enjoy the weather. With the past few days having been so nice, it has made it especially hard staying inside. I can speak for all us here when I say we were going a little "stir crazy". But, we eventually got out and took a walk around to enjoy the weather, and of course the wildlife. Here are a few shots from our last few trips out!

 This is an Eastern Kingbird. It just finds a place to perch then flies off and grabs an insect then returns to the same perch. It is really cool to watch. As we drove along the shore of a lake, we came up on him and he was really open to getting his picture taken.

We came up on a group of Least Sandpipers that I have never seen before in this area. They were so cool because they let me get within a few feet of them as they just ate and walked around all calm. These things are tiny standing tall at about 4". This photo shoot was definitely worth the goose crap I got all over my jeans as I crawled around the mucky ground getting these pictures.

After our photo shoot with the Least Sandpipers, we turned the corner and ran into this guy. It's a Solitary Sandpiper! I have attempted several times to get decent pictures of these birds, but they are very nervous when approached. I got closer this time, thanks to some geese and seagulls that were kind of distracting it from focusing on me. Once again, army crawl was necessary otherwise I wouldn't have gotten half this close. But no goose poop on the clothes for this bird, thankfully! 

 The next time we got out, we had a few other new birds come really close to the spot we were sitting. The only problem was that they are so small, and fast, that they are extremely hard to get pictures of. But, we did have a few perch in front of us just long enough to focus and get some pictures. Here's what we got.

Cedar Waxwing - Probably one of the coolest looking birds ever!

These aren't the greatest pictures ever, but this is the first Wilson's Warbler I have ever seen. Cool looking and sounding bird. 

This is a Northern Flicker that was chasing around another N. Flicker and just happen to land about 20 feet from me. He stayed there long enough for 3 photos, than took off! Another really cool, and large bird.

Last but not least, another not photo trip of the Yellow Warbler. This bird is so hard to get to come close that it's driving me crazy! 

 So lastly I am adding the pictures of our adventure from a family drive out to Kingsbury. As we were leaving the Wildlife area, a raccoon was on the side of the road, so we stopped to take a look. Well when we stopped the car, it looked at us and ran right at our car. I couldn't believe it, so I gave the camera to Kelly and told her to get some pictures. She rolled the window down and took a couple, and it kept coming closer and closer. It finally stopped after putting its paws on the side of Kelly's car door! We were laughing so hard, and we thought for sure that it was going to jump in her window. She would roll it up in fear of it coming in. It was so funny, even the car behind us was stopped and taking pictures of it touching our car! Wow, apparently we were driving through a petting zoo and didn't even know it! Note: The first picture is Kelly trying to get a picture while rolling up her window! LOL

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Baby Killdeer!

As we were driving home today, we passed a pond that had some birds on it. When we got closer we saw that there were some Killdeer around a gravel ditch area, and after slowing down to take a better look, Kelly shouted, "Baby Killdeer, there's a Baby Killdeer!". Needless to say, I had to get pictures of them. There were two Killdeer chicks near their mother. As I approached for some pictures, the Mom quickly left her babies unattended, and one of the two stuck around to get it's picture taken! They were both about 2 or 3 inches tall maybe, and really cute! So cute, that they got Kelly to shout for joy that she finally found one! Obviously, they were pretty fun to watch!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Caspian Terns in Town!

While out on a morning drive as a family, we stumbled across a small group of Caspian Terns that got us really excited! These birds are visitors to our state this time of year and only stick around for short periods of time before they head back up North to their breeding grounds. We were lucky enough this time to have our camera with us as opposed to the last time we saw a small group this year. By the time I went to get the camera and returned, they have vanished. We managed to get a few good minutes of viewing time on the Caspian Terns today though. Pretty awesome!