
We hope that you enjoy looking at some of our favorite photos! As a family, we have enjoyed birding for the last year and find it exciting to never know what you might see on your next trip. We love the outdoors and take every opportunity to get out there and enjoy it. Birding is a passion of ours and we hope you enjoy reading about some of our favorite memories as well!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Bluebird Day Today!

While on our walk today, we saw a few pretty cool birds, but were only able to get pictures of a few. We got to watch a male and female Eastern Bluebird take food back and forth to their chicks. They were pretty busy! It was a beautiful May day and thankfully we got to get out and enjoyed it! Here are some of the pictures from our short, little walk.

There were a couple of first of the year birds seen today as well! Although I can check them off of my list, I sure wish I could have gotten some better pictures of them! The first picture is of an Orchard Oriole and the  next is a Prothonotary Warbler. I guess I have to keep reminding myself that these birds are only 4" tall, so it's amazing that we can even get a picture of them at all!

And last but not least, my multiple species shot! A Prothonotary Warbler (bottom right), a Yellow Warbler (top left) and a turtle (on the log). LOL

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