
We hope that you enjoy looking at some of our favorite photos! As a family, we have enjoyed birding for the last year and find it exciting to never know what you might see on your next trip. We love the outdoors and take every opportunity to get out there and enjoy it. Birding is a passion of ours and we hope you enjoy reading about some of our favorite memories as well!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Baby Birds!

It's that time of the year when the birds are all getting busy! End result, lots of baby ducks and geese walking across the roads and causing accidents. I always have my camera with me, and today when coming home from school, I passed a couple of little birdies. I had to take a couple of pictures. I also put a few older pictures on here as well. I'll label those below so you know what you are looking at. Enjoy!

 I got a couple pictures of some geese cruising past me the other day.

 This is a house wren, very cool bird with quite the chatter box. The bottom two pictures are of the Wren going into a box that a Tree Swallow already has a nest in. It waits for the Swallow to leave then it flies in and starts taking the nesting out and throwing it on the ground. It's too funny!

 The first of the season Yellow Warbler. They are hard to sneak up on, and sometime all you can get is a picture of them flying away! Oh well.

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