
We hope that you enjoy looking at some of our favorite photos! As a family, we have enjoyed birding for the last year and find it exciting to never know what you might see on your next trip. We love the outdoors and take every opportunity to get out there and enjoy it. Birding is a passion of ours and we hope you enjoy reading about some of our favorite memories as well!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kingsbury FWA Outing

I had a chance this morning to venture out for a few hours right at sunrise to do some birding. It turned out to be a very bird filled day with several new species seen for the first time this year, and a couple of lifetime birds as well. It wasn't the greatest day for photographing them, but at least I got some great looks through the much easier to use binoculars. Here are some of the birds seen today. Life birds: Barred Owl, Solitary Sandpiper, Blue-Gray Gnat-catcher. First of the year birds: Great Horned Owl, Veery, Hermit Thrush, Ring-necked Pheasant, White-Throated Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow. Overall, an awesome morning with over 50 species seen in one trip!

Hermit Thrust. It was still dark out, so picture is horrible!
 Solitary Sandpiper, 1 of 6 seen today!
 Lesser Yellowlegs wading in the shallow water. This bird stands about 10 inches tall!
 Solitary Sandpiper, an easy way to identify is the vivid white eye ring!
 Tree Swallows, I wish the one in the top right was focused as well!
 A horrible picture but I had to post it anyways! This is my first ever Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher seen! It was constantly hopping around quickly and looking for these gnats on the tree limbs. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good picture but at least I saw him!
 Greater Yellowlegs (Left) and a Lesser Yellowlegs (Right) The greater stands about 15" tall and the Lesser about 10". They are awesome to watch!
 I got a 2 second shot at this Sandhill Crane passing over my head! I still think their calls are so cool!

 I think that this is a Red Admiral Butterfly but I'm not positive! After one hit me in the face, I decided to take a picture of it. Kind of cool looking!
 This Eastern Bluebird decided to come in for a closer look at me. I mean he was really looking at me as you can see with the tilted head! Creepy!
 The O' so famous American Goldfinch! This is only about the 4th one I have seen so far this year. They are just starting to migrate back from the south!
There are literally thousands of American Robins all over the place right now. This will probably be my first and last picture of them this year! :)

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