
We hope that you enjoy looking at some of our favorite photos! As a family, we have enjoyed birding for the last year and find it exciting to never know what you might see on your next trip. We love the outdoors and take every opportunity to get out there and enjoy it. Birding is a passion of ours and we hope you enjoy reading about some of our favorite memories as well!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Ruby at Luhr Park

 Another short trip to Luhr Park produced a first of the year bird for me today. As I was almost done with my trip, I was walking out along a hedgerow when I saw a small shadow go over me. I looked up and saw a Ruby Crowned Kinglet feeding directly above me. I got to watch him for a few minutes before he took off out of sight. When they get agitated or are protecting their young, they have a distinct ruby red patch flare up on the tops of their heads. If you look good at the last picture, you can faintly see the red patch!  

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