
We hope that you enjoy looking at some of our favorite photos! As a family, we have enjoyed birding for the last year and find it exciting to never know what you might see on your next trip. We love the outdoors and take every opportunity to get out there and enjoy it. Birding is a passion of ours and we hope you enjoy reading about some of our favorite memories as well!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Busy House Wrens!

I came up on a pair of House Wrens this morning who were really busy. They were making their nest in a playground swing! I sat and watched them for awhile and they didn't seem to mind. Also while I was sitting there watching them, I had a few other visitors come and say hi.

This is a Barn Swallow that dropped in for a few minutes. He just sat there and hung out with me.
 This is a Gray Catbird. They get their name from the mewing that they make that sounds exactly like a cat.
 Here are a couple more pictures of a Tree Swallow. He almost hit me in the head a few times because I was close to one of his nests as well.

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